Climate change has different aspects. Many of these are directly or indirectly related to health. We encounter the consequences, such as health risks caused by heat, air pollution or UV radiation, every day.

Therefore, all parties in the health sector and especially the pharmacies with the special care and advice mandate have a significant task and responsibility. Schließlich endet die Verantwortung der großen Mehrzahl der Pharmazeuten für die Gesundheit ihrer Mitmenschen nicht mit der Abgabe von Fertigarzneimittel, sondern sie haben meist all die Themen im Blick, welche die Gesundheit direkt oder indirekt betreffen.

An example: Due to the above-average hot and dry summers in recent years, the need for advice on prevention (heat protection and cooling) and healing (from sunburn to dehydration to heat stroke) has increased immediately. At the same time, there are already noticeable long-term consequences of global warming, such as the increase in allergic diseases or respiratory diseases.

SlimCOOL founder and pharmacist Gabriele Renner investigated what contribution pharmacies can make to the issues of climate crisis, environmental protection, sustainability and health. Together with other pharmacists and experts, she wrote the book “Die nachhaltige Apotheke for the German Pharmacist Publishing House.

To ensure that environmental protection is successful in everyday pharmacy life, the book offers practical tips and checklists for the entire team. The pharmacy can not only conserve resources and advise patients about the health consequences of climate change. The book also offers laypeople a lot of valuable information on the subject of climate and health.

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