Would you like to finally get rid of your unwanted fat deposits on your stomach or waist? And without diet, cryolipolysis – appointment or even surgery? Then you are right here. The SlimCOOL ShapeBelt (Waistbelt) cools away the fat deposits. You can easily use this modern bodyforming procedure at home without spending any time. It is pleasant and completely painless. And the great thing about it: With the SlimCOOL ShapeBelt you not only get a flat stomach, but at the same time improve your sugar and fat metabolism.

SlimCOOL Shape Pants in black



First, localize your problem areas and define your goals. Then select the appropriate SlimCOOL products, activate them in a few seconds according to the instructions and put them on.

You should then slimcool for 60 minutes or longer every day or every 2nd day. At home, or wherever and whenever you have time - in your home office, doing housework or relaxing.... The only thing you shouldn't do is break a sweat.

So: No sports during the application.

SlimCOOL only works with water. Since it is a purely physical cooling effect with 2600 KJ/L (= 660 WATT) cooling power, you just have to make sure there is enough air exchange and temperatures of around 4-6°C lower will automatically set on your skin ensure that brown fat is formed and that the fat deposits gradually “melt away” centrally or regionally, depending on the product.

To further boost your metabolism, we recommend drinking 2-3 glasses of still water after each cooling session - preferably with lemon or grapefruit. This also purifies.

Based on our experience and previous studies, we recommend using SlimCOOL products for at least 1 hour on at least 4-5 days a week over a period of 4-6 weeks.

Every body has its own metabolism. Therefore, every body shows the first results individually. However, studies show that for most people the first results are visible or noticeable after two weeks.

Based on our experience and previous studies, we recommend at least 1 hour on at least 5 days a week over a period of 4-6 weeks. And then whenever you feel the need for it again.

SlimCOOL is not only effective, independent of time and place, but also very simple. The products are activated under the tap with water in seconds.

Squeeze out the product lightly and simply roll it up in a towel or dry it with paper towels on the outside. Done!

You can use it like this.

But you can also boost the whole thing by leaving it on for about 30 minutes. Place in the refrigerator. Then simply 60 min. or longer and continue your everyday life as before.

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