Anne from Allergy Magazine is enthusiastic about SlimCOOL

I have to say it right away, I’m full of enthusiasm! Recently, while reading the studies from Harvard Medical School, I accidentally discovered a very interesting website ( that offers a collection with a cooling effect for people with a fat problem. I immediately felt addressed because I also have typical problem areas that I have been consciously addressing for a long time.

Unfortunately, my figure has also been better: after two pregnancies and shortly before menopause, my fat burning is no longer as good as it was when I was younger. My bottom, my upper arms, my thighs and especially my stomach wobble more than they are tight. Add to that my somewhat weak connective tissue, which I’ve always had, and boom – a stomach-legs-butt problem! Now I work in the office of a company that advertises selected articles on Facebook, for example. In this way I also come into contact with the possibilities of science and technology and therefore know that the SlimCool technology has a true and proven background and works effectively.

My SlimCool test experiences and my conclusion

The SlimCool technology really impressed me and continues to inspire me because I can easily tackle my love handles regardless of sport and can still start my fat burning process very effectively, even easily in the office.

Per Versand ging alles ganz schnell und auch der Service im Shop war und ist klasse! Now I’m leaving out my coveted cookies, then losing weight will be even better. I can fully recommend anyone who wants to improve their figure to purchase cooling textiles. The SlimCool technology really works and is very easy to integrate into everyday life, try it out!

Read the full report HERE

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