COOLING MAKES YOU SMALL – sport and dieting are (not) an option

It goes without saying that sport is healthy and fun for many people. A fasting cure is certainly an interesting experience for some people and of course has its health benefits.

What has always bothered us about it is the compulsion.

You MUST do sport and you MUST go hungry. This MUST kills any enjoyment and also the fun of exercise.

If I want to do sport, it’s because I enjoy it or because I can meet up with friends or switch off, or, or,……

But not because I HAVE to.

That was also one reason why we liked the theory on “brown fat” so much. You use a completely normal mechanism of the body to burn fat and only go to the gym when you feel like it.

Enjoy your meal

The situation is similar with diets. If you can believe the nutritionists in this field, then some diets do work as long as you follow them, but afterwards it usually comes to the yo-yo effect – which has now even been scientifically proven. At pervormance international, we simply love eating far too much to feel guilty all the time.

We are therefore infinitely grateful to the scientists at Harvard Medical School. But of course also to the many other doctors and researchers who have since published studies on this topic independently of our own developments, giving many people the chance to get a grip on their figure without yo-yo dieting or MUST exercise.

So where do we find brown fat and how do we get more of it?

Adults normally have only a little brown fat, about one cupful. This amount is distributed over several areas and is mainly located in the neck region above the collarbones, from there towards the shoulders, along the spine and on the breastbone. As soon as the body gets cooler, more brown fat forms there.

“It is estimated that 50 grams more brown fat would be enough to increase an adult’s energy consumption by 20%, says Stephan Herzig from the DKFZ in Heidelberg.

The German Nutrition Society (DGE) has done the math: “An estimate shows that the metabolic activity of 60 to 130 milliliters of brown adipose tissue in an adult is sufficient to ensure the melting of around four kilograms of white adipose tissue at maximum activation.

So let’s produce brown fat!

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