SlimCOOL – nominated for the WELLNESS & SPA INNOVATION AWARD 2022

Put on a T-shirt and you’ll burn fat. Sounds fantastic? It’s doable! Thanks to SlimCOOL’s revolutionary technology. The company, founded by smart women, produces clothing that, when worn regularly, simply cools away unwanted pockets of fat and stimulates sugar and fat metabolism. The revolutionary cryo shapewear from SlimCOOL has been nominated for the WELLNESS & SPA INNOVATION AWARD 2022, which is awarded by the German Wellness Association. Founder Gabriele Renner talks about the visions, technologies and beliefs behind the revolutionary cryo shapewear.

Why did you decide to start a company?
Gabriele Renner: “Pervormance international is a sustainable family business with female power. How come? We are two sisters and as pharmacists and sports scientists we have always been concerned with the topic of health. We were also interested in scientific innovations and wanted to make the world a better place. After our maternity leave and a time as consultants, we were looking for new challenges. By chance we came into contact with the topic of cooling textiles and used it to build a business concept. We are the only company in Germany that develops cooling textiles and are constantly finding new markets.

From the very beginning, we have been committed to sustainability and human rights with the UN Global Compact and have set ourselves on the path to climate neutrality. That was somehow logical, because with our cooling technology we save over 90% CO2 compared to air conditioning or other technical cooling solutions. In addition, we don’t need any environmentally harmful refrigerants, just water and air.

In order to be even more sustainable, we produce in Germany and within short distances in Europe, use renewable energies, sometimes use waste fibers for upcycling and much more. But it is just as important that our functional textiles for cooling are effective and work to make our customers happy. Therefore, quality and customer service come first.

Therefore, what was your biggest challenge when founding SlimCOOL?
Gabriele Renner: “After we had worked on cooling textiles and placed cooling clothing for heat problems on the market with the E.COOLINE brand, the biggest challenge with SlimCOOL – the cryo shapewear – was capacity, both in terms of personnel and finances. We had to initiate studies, develop products and finance marketing. Then Corona also intervened. As a result, it took a little longer and we only really got started in July 2021. After the article in Gala and the cooperation with Westwing gave the topic more momentum, it was back to the topic of resources. We have therefore strengthened our team for 2022 in order to achieve our goals.”

What is the vision behind SlimCOOL?
Gabriele Renner: “We are women, we work and we have children. We often don’t have time for sport or elaborate diets. The “baby fat” isn’t completely gone and the older you get, the more difficult it becomes. That’s why the development of SlimCOOL was a matter close to our hearts and we wanted to develop a method that was simple, time-saving and effective, both for ourselves and for others. The method should also be climate-friendly and healthy. At first, we couldn’t believe that it worked so well.
The more facts and figures, scientific information, etc. are added, the more convinced we are of our success and our SlimCOOL products. Of course, we are also delighted with the positive feedback from our customers.”

Who is the target group of SlimCOOL?
Gabriele Renner: “SlimCOOL is the ideal solution for all women who don’t have time for sport and other methods and who want to lose weight in an environmentally friendly and healthy way. Our products are bought by women who are working, but also by women on maternity leave and with small children at home. In most cases, time does not allow them to go to the gym. A method that can be used while changing diapers or, depending on the workplace, in the office or in the evening while ironing or talking on the phone is ideal.”

How does SlimCOOL work? What are the advantages?
Gabriele Renner: “Cooling helps you lose weight. This has been proven by scientists worldwide. But who wants to bathe in ice or stand under a cold shower for an hour? That’s why we developed SlimCOOL and easily integrated the cooling COOLINE SX3 technology into clothing. The smart fibers in PowerShirt and Co. cool effectively with up to 660 watts and approx. 18-20°C. At this temperature, it has been scientifically proven that brown fat is activated, which automatically heats the body and thus burns white fat.

You can lose 2-4 centimeters in a few weeks and your pants will fit again. Simply activate, put on and relax at home, in the office or whenever you feel like it and have time to beautify your figure. The good thing about this is that it also improves the sugar and fat metabolism. With one hour every day or every two days, you can lose a few centimeters with SlimCOOL and do something for your health at the same time.”

What makes SlimCOOL different from other providers?
Gabriele Renner: “Most weight loss methods have side effects or are associated with sacrifice or effort. Starving or giving up your favorite dishes is not everyone’s cup of tea. None of this is necessary with SlimCOOL. Some one-sided diets can also lead to health problems. That doesn’t have to be the case.

Other cooling methods such as ice, cryosaunas or cryolipolysis can come with long lists of side effects. SlimCOOL is completely different. As this method does not destroy any fat cells and the body does not suffer a “cold shock”, the method is pleasant and well tolerated. The body only does what it would do if you didn’t dress so warmly in winter or if you set the shower temperature to 18°C. You don’t have to make appointments or travel to the studio, but can choose and organize your SlimCOOL times yourself.

The activation of brown fat improves sugar and fat metabolism and, according to new studies, has a positive effect on the microbiome in the gut. SlimCOOL is therefore not only a simple and effective weight loss method, but also good for your health.”

Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?
Gabriele Renner: “Global warming is leading to an increasing need for cooling and the high temperatures are causing health risks for people. The need for cooling is increasing. This not only applies to heat problems such as circulatory collapse, headaches or, in the worst case, heat stroke, but also to SlimCOOL’s mechanism of action via brown fat. This is because too much heat and a lack of cooling presumably reduces brown fat cells, which are needed for a healthy sugar and fat metabolism. Cooling is therefore an urgent issue worldwide. As current technologies are harmful to the climate and the environment, we urgently need sustainable alternatives. That’s why we want to be the leading technology in the field of sustainable air conditioning in five years’ time.”

By women for women: SlimCOOL – the CryoShapewear
The two founders behind SlimCOOL are Sabine Stein, a sports scientist, and Gabriele Renner, a pharmacist. Together with an all-female team, the two women have set themselves the goal of doing away with the old rules of weight loss. SlimCOOL is proof that you can feel good without a strict diet. Of course, cryo shapewear is no substitute for a healthy diet and exercise in everyday life. Ideally, shapewear should be combined with a healthy lifestyle. In general, SlimCOOL is not about losing kilo after kilo. It’s about women feeling comfortable in their own wonderfully feminine body – regardless of clothing size and weight. And not to waste every free thought on counting calories. In short: thanks to SlimCOOL, losing weight literally becomes the most beautiful minor matter in the world. Further information

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